










(2020 年香港中學文憑試 題目一)














另外,「巫筆」教學輔助工具能根據2024DSE評核大綱,針對實用文考核部分生成題目及閱讀材料,以及生成相應範文,為學生提供最貼合文憑試要求的實用文寫作訓練。巫筆能生成書信、評論、建議書、演講辭、報告、 專題、文章等文類,並要求學生進行回覆投訴、發出邀請、評論事件、提出建議、發表演講、撰寫報告等寫作任務,符合考試要求。


「巫筆」贊助了由漢語教學人工智能促進協會舉辦的2023中小學中文科人工智能教學設計比賽!讓參賽者透過「巫筆」,設計一堂精彩的中國語文科課堂,運用到人工智能科技(例如 Chat-GPT等),增進教學成效,積極探索人工智能的教學應用示例。

(2023年中小學中文科人工智能教學設計比賽 – 冠亞季作品)

冠軍 湯婉兒老師

  • 教學主題:命題寫作—議論文

  • 任教學校:樂善堂楊葛小琳中學

  • 教學對象:中四

亞軍 潘俊傑老師

  • 教學主題:說明文《世間再無渡渡鳥》

  • 任教學校:喇沙書院

  • 教學對象:中一

季軍 譚家倫老師、崔宇麒老師

  • 教學主題:中文寫作—描寫與記敘

  • 任教學校:五旬節聖潔會永光書院

  • 教學對象:中二












由專業導師團隊到校授課,幫助學生解決寫作立意淺薄、技巧貧乏等困難。「巫筆」現有課程包括「實用文寫作班」、「創意寫作班」及「文憑試卷二(記敘文)寫作班」,由完成培訓的中文系及中文教育系學生擔任導師,致力將人工智能(AI)教學輔助工具「巫筆」融入中文科寫作教學,透過輔助教師教學及課堂活動,有助提升學生學習效能,改善寫作質素。我們所有導師均考獲文憑試中文科5**,部分導師更考獲Best5 30分佳績、大學榮獲Dean‘s List 及獎學金,以及青年文學獎。


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新時代學習系列 –


  • 讓學生熟練掌握不同AI工具的運用

  • 促進學生AI素養及倫理意識。

  • 提升學生語文能力


  • 新時代AI學習法導論

  • AI資料搜集法

  • AI溫習效能提升法

  • AI自定義中文科學習助手設計

  • AI與中文閱讀

  • AI與中文創意寫作

  • AI與中文實用寫作

  • AI及中文命題寫作(I)

  • AI及中文命題寫作(II)

  • AI與中文學習 — 成果展示日

  • 如果學校有意為學生報讀課程,「巫筆」將贈送「寫作表現分析報告」,每位學生可以獲得額外寫作批改服務。每份報告包括:寫作總評、引導問題、焦點改寫及個人化改寫練習。

DSE 寫作班


  • 教授文文憑試記敘文文奪星/補底技巧

  • 全港首首創以AI為寫作主要教學工工具


  • 中五至中六級

  • 文憑試卷二 每節1.5小時,總共八節課


  • 前測+修辭

  • 文章立意

  • 人物描寫

  • 景物描寫

  • 抒發情感

  • 結構:編排文章內容

  • 寫作能力測驗

  • 寫作回饋

  • 贈送AI批改作文服務(新版本「巫筆」——內容總評、引導問題、焦點改寫示例、針對性改寫練習),每位學生課程內可用3次作評估。



  • 著重課堂討論及師生互動

  • 運用AI教學,傳統與創新並重


  • 初中

  • 每節1.5小時,總共八節課


  • 課程引入+歌詞創作

  • 潮流文化及網絡文學

  • 電影劇本改寫

  • Medical Check Up

  • 名家名作鑑賞(上):新詩

  • 名家名作鑑賞(下):香港文學散文

  • 人物傳記

  • 微型小說

  • 後測+課堂總結

  • 贈送AI批改作文服務(新版本「巫筆」——內容總評、引導問題、焦點改寫示例、針對性改寫練習),每位學生課程內可用3次作評估。



  • 因應DSE轉制,向學生提供最新實用文寫作的方法

  • 以AI為實用文寫作主要教學工具


  • 中五至中六級

  • 文憑試卷二 每節1.5小時,總共八節課


  • 前測+修辭

  • 文章立意

  • 人物描寫

  • 景物描寫

  • 抒發情感

  • 結構:編排文章內容

  • 寫作能力測驗

  • 寫作回饋

  • 贈送AI批改作文服務(新版本「巫筆」——內容總評、引導問題、焦點改寫示例、針對性改寫練習),每位學生課程內可用3次作評估。


© Writing Wizard Limited. All rights reserved.


巫筆 (Chinese Writing Wizard) 是一款嶄新的AI教學輔助工具,能提供範文製作、AI作文批改、實用文試題製作等功能。教師僅需輸入寫作主題、學習重點、以及學生年級,即可得到符合學生程度和課程要求的範文。「巫筆」不僅可以根據寫作題目產生審題提示、寫作建議,系統更能批改作文,給予分數及詳細評語,藉此提升學生的寫作能力,改善成績。而且,為配合課程改革,「巫筆」系統更能自動製作適用於2024年DSE的實用文試題及參考範文,幫助教師備課,令學生掌握考核重點。科研尖端 屢獲殊榮——「巫筆」團隊簡介🌟 「巫筆」應用程式已於逾九十間本地學校推行試用計畫,獲中文老師一致好評
🌟 香港科技大學計算機科學及工商管理學士一級榮譽畢業生 X 香港中文大學中文教育一級榮譽畢業生 X 香港中文大學教育碩士生(學習科學與科技)團隊攜手研發
🌟 研究論文《人工智能GPT-4在漢語寫作教學的應用》榮獲「粵港澳高校漢語言教育聯盟學生論文比賽」三等獎
🌟 榮獲香港科技園2023 Techathon 比賽亞軍
🌟 榮獲香港中文大學2023校長盃亞軍
🌟 榮獲香港理工大學微型基金計劃資助
🌟 榮獲香港科技園(HKSTP)創科培育計劃資助
🌟 榮獲嶺南大學創新及效益基金資助
🌟 榮獲香港中文大學前期創業中心(PI-Centre)資助
🌟 榮獲香港中文大學新亞書院黃永平校友基金——「志竟成計畫」資助
🌟 榮獲香港中文大學伍宜孫書院「創出我天地」計畫資助
🌟 2023香港資訊及通訊科技獎學生創新獎——入圍


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1. 定義和範圍
• 巫筆:指由香港科學園HKSTP、香港中文大學、香港理工大學支持的研究型初創企業所開發的AI批閱作文軟件。
• 參與教育機構:指參加免費試用計畫的教育機構。
• 優先試用計畫:指由「巫筆」提供的新版本AI批閱作文軟件的免費試用活動。
2. 試用資格
• 參與教育機構無需提供特定數量的學生作文,鼓勵根據校本、班本需求進行試用。
• 參與試用計畫前,教育機構須同意遵守本條款和條件。
3. 服務範圍
• 「巫筆」將提供新版本的AI批閱作文軟件,允許靈活使用,以符合各教育機構的特定需求。
• 參與者將獲得包括但不限於批改示例、上載作文指引的教學支援資源。
4. 使用權限和限制
• 參與教育機構可自由使用「巫筆」軟件進行內部教學和評估。
• 「巫筆」可以使用是次試用計畫的所有資料作宣傳之用。
• 所有由「巫筆」提供的教學內容(包括但不限於作文批改報告內容)和技術均屬於「巫筆」的智慧財產權,未經許可不得復製或商業化。
5. 學術交流和宣傳
• 鼓勵參與教育機構分享使用「巫筆」的經驗,參與研討會、工作坊等。
• 邀請學校允許「巫筆」在其官方網站、新聞稿和社交媒體上使用學校的名稱、標誌和反饋作為成功案例的展示。
• 鼓勵與「巫筆」合作進行共同研究項目和發表學術論文。
6. 推廣與溝通
• 「巫筆」保留權利,可聯絡參與教育機構進行產品推廣和更新通知。
7. 期限和終止
• 優先試用計畫將持續直至另行通知,「巫筆」保留隨時終止計畫的權利。
• 違反本條款和條件的情況下,「巫筆」有權終止試用資格。
8. 法律責任和爭議解決
• 本條款和條件受香港法律管轄,任何爭議將通過友好協商解決。


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試用細則感謝 貴校支持「巫筆」!希望邀請 貴校參與小學先導試用計劃,一起在教學前沿研究人工智能於中文寫作教學設計的應用。細則如下:一 計劃背景 「巫筆」是一所研究型初創企業,我們深信,人工智能將會改變未來教學的本質,令中文教學煥然一新。巫筆希望研發一款AI批閱作文工具,將提供更個人
二 巫筆提供的服務 巫筆提供的服務:
1. 巫筆小學軟件使用權
2. 為學校特別設計題目
3. 為學校設計、度身訂造學校寫作報告範本
三 夥伴學校角色
1. 在計劃內遞交於平台的學生樣本報告及作文可用於其他學校作為參考之用
2. 試用學校將成為推廣夥伴,並作宣傳之用
3. 分享寫作教學設計(運用巫筆),提供教案及其他教學材料(如有)
4. 學生及老師填寫用後反饋(問卷)
5. 與「巫筆」成員開啟 WhatsApp Group,保持積極的專業交流
6. 開放課堂進行觀課或錄影,促進專業交流


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1. 「巫筆」對寫作教學有什麼好處?


2. 「巫筆」發展AI改文,是否會取代老師?


3. 「巫筆」AI改文的技術是否成熟?計分會否出現錯誤?評分準則是否公正?

「巫筆」目前仍在研發、測試階段,雖然能把手寫文字轉作電腦字體,但有時也會有瑕疵,而實際批改的結果也有機會存有誤差。「巫筆」團隊正在積極解決技術困難,希望建構一個迎合學界需要的人工智能批改系統。而「巫筆」評分準則是根據HKDSE而設計的,而現時亦正在研發針對初中、小學寫作任務的批改模型。無可否認,作文批改的主觀性較強,即使是受過專業訓練的公開試閱卷員,在評分時仍可能有所差異。但「巫筆」透過機械學習(Machine Learning)與提示工程(Prompt Engineering)兩項技術,希望持續提高評分的準確性,增加教師的信心。如果有更多的數據(學生已批改的作文),「巫筆」的準繩度將會進一步提高。因此,「巫筆」誠邀學校參與「夥伴學校先導計劃」,在班本/級本試行「巫筆」,檢視成效,讓學界共建、共享一個準確的作文批改系統。

4. 「巫筆」能否在學校使用,批量批改作文?

「巫筆」即將推出「一鍵批改」功能,教師可上載全級/全班的篇章,一鍵下載評語及分數,系統會產出獨立的批閱報告,節省時間。「巫筆」未來也會積極探索如何融入學校已有的課堂管理系統,例如Google Classroom,Microsoft Teams等等,更有利於學校教學。

5. AI改文有否道德爭議?





為了達到減輕教師負擔、增強教學效能的願景,我們亟需要學校的支持與參與,邀請學界共建、共創、共享,建構一個真正準確的中文批改系統,為教師減壓,為學生增效。「巫筆」誠摯邀請 貴校參與試用計畫,成為我們尊貴的夥伴學校。詳情如下:1. 【免費試用】「巫筆」為每所參與學校提供500使用限額,讓老師嘗試「巫筆」應用程式的不同功能。
2. 【以作文範例兌換使用限額】為了提升模型的質素,「巫筆」希望學校能夠提供學生的作文範例及教師的評語,協助我們訓練專屬於AI批改DSE作文的模型,令服務變得更成熟,讓系統產出更精闢的評語、更準確的分數。 敝司會嚴守保密協議,所得資料必定只會進行模型的訓練,以改進人工智能評卷的質素,造福學界。為酬謝 貴校慷慨支持,學校每提供一份作文範例,「巫筆」將會贈送10個使用限額,如此類推。
3. 【直接購買使用限額】如 貴校希望直接使用「巫筆」,也可以直接透過支票入帳,購買相應數量的限額,數量不限。


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請致電6807 8571或電郵至mo-but@mo-but.com


© Writing Wizard Limited. All rights reserved.







• 可獲得「巫筆」AI教師夥伴證書。
• 獲取專屬教學資源(「巫筆」教學指南、教案示例等)
• 認識AI於教育的潛力,探索實踐方法
• 與其他擅長使用AI的教師與教育科技專家建立學習社群


1. 申請: 在申請表上填寫您的詳細資料和教學材料。
2. 教學: 在課堂上使用巫筆(請在至少有10名學生的班別使用「巫筆」)。
3. 分享: 完成一份簡短的表格,提交300字左右的課堂反思和學生作品範例。
4. 認證: 獲得您的AI教師夥伴證書。


1. 完成申請表,填寫您的個人資料與教學設計背景。
2. 附上至少一個巫筆報告和學生作品範例。
3. 提交您的申請。


WhatsApp:6807 8571



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巫筆|中學接受AI工具趨增來源: 信報

參照DSE準則 近百校試用
來源: 信報財經新聞

本地初創AI軟件改作文90校試用來源: 星島教育

港產AI批改作文生成報告來源: 信報


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enjoy the benefit of our Platform as provided by us and in the manner as permitted by
these terms.
6.3 This licence to use our Platform will terminate if you do not comply with these terms or
other additional terms or conditions imposed by us from time to time.
6.4 You must not copy, modify, distribute, sell, lease, loan or trade any access to the
Platform or any data or information on it.
7.1 You retain your rights to any information or content you submit, post or display on or
through the Platform (“Your Content”). By submitting, posting or displaying such
content, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence (with the right to
sublicense) to use, process, copy, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display
and distribute such content in any and all media or through any distribution channels
(now known or later developed), subject to the applicable provisions in our Privacy
7.2 You are responsible for your use of Your Content and any consequences thereof,
including any consequences of the use of Your Content by other users or third parties.
We are not responsible or liable for any use of Your Content, nor the use of any content
or information submitted or posted by other users or visitors.
7.3 You warrant that Your Content is not and will not infringe rights of any third parties and
that you have all the necessary rights, power and authority to satisfy your obligations
with regard to Your Content under these terms.
7.4 If you believe your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please contact us by
emailing us at mobut@mo-but.com or call our customer service team at 68078571.
8.1 All intellectual property rights subsisting in the Platform or the products or services we
provide belong to us or have been lawfully licensed to us. All rights under applicable
laws are hereby reserved. You must not upload, post, publish, reproduce, transmit or
distribute any content or component of our Platform in any way, or create any derivative
works with respect to any such content or component.
8.2 We may (at our discretion but are not obliged to) review content or information submitted
or posted by users on our Platform. We reserve the right to remove any content which
we consider as offensive, harmful, deceptive, discriminative, defamatory or otherwise
inappropriate or misleading, or content that we believe may be infringing rights of third
parties. We do not endorse or support any views expressed by any users on our
8.3 Our name “ 巫 筆” and our marks and logos are our trade marks (be it registered or
unregistered) and may not be used without our express prior written consent.
We integrate with third-party software to provide a full suite of functionalities to our
users. We are not responsible for any issues or loss arising from the use of any thirdparty software. Your access and use of the third-party software is governed by the terms
of service or user agreements of that software.
10.1 We value and welcome feedback on our Platform. You agree that we are free to use,
disclose, adopt and/or modify any feedback and any information (including any ideas,
concepts, proposals, suggestions or comments) provided by you to use in connection
with our Platform or any products or services we offer, without any payment to you.
10.2 You hereby waive and agree to waive any rights to claim for any fees, royalties, charges
or other payments in relation to our use, disclosure, adoption and/or modification of any
of your feedback.
11.1 Some countries or jurisdictions may not allow the disclaimers in this clause, in which
case these disclaimers will not apply to you.
11.2 To the fullest extent permitted by law, we (including our holding company(ies),
subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, partners
and licensors (collectively, “Our Entities”)) expressly limit our liabilities in connection
with or arising out of the provision of the Platform as follows:
(a) we provide the Platform and any products or services we offer on an “as is” and
“as available” basis, and your access to or use of our Platform is at your own risk;
(b) we give no assurance, representation or warranty of any kind (whether express or
implied) about the Platform and any products or services we provide;
(c) we do not guarantee that the information or content you find on the Platform is
always accurate, truthful, complete and up-to-date;
(d) we expressly disclaim all warranties and representations (for example, warranties
of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement);
(e) we are not responsible for any delay or disruption in our Platform or any defect,
viruses, bugs or errors; and
(f) we are not responsible for the conduct of or any content or information submitted
or posted by any user of the Platform (whether online or offline).
11.3 To the fullest extent permitted by law, Our Entities are not liable to you or others for:
(a) any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, consequential or punitive damages; or
(b) any loss of data, business, opportunities, reputation, profits or revenues,
(c) relating to the use of our Platform or any products or services we offer.
11.4 We do not exclude or limit our liability to you where it would be illegal to do so. This
includes any of our liability for fraud or making fraudulent misrepresentation in operating
the Platform or providing the products or services we offer.
11.5 If you are using the Platform as a consumer, in some countries or jurisdictions you may
have certain legal rights as a consumer. In such cases, nothing in these terms limit your
legal rights as a consumer that may not be waived by contract.
11.6 Other than the types of liabilities that we cannot limit by law, the liabilities of Our Entities
to you (on aggregate) are limited to the amount you have paid us (if any) for the use of
our Platform or for any products or services we offer over the last twelve (12) months.
12.1 Our Platform is not intended for and may not be used by minors. By using our Platform,
you represent that you are an adult and that you are able to legally enter into contractual
12.2 If you are using the Platform on behalf of an entity, by using the Platform you represent
that you have the necessary rights and authority to agree to these terms (and our
Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy and other documents referred to herein) on behalf
of that entity.
13.1 You agree to indemnify and hold Our Entities harmless from and against all liabilities,
damages, claims, costs (including legal fees and costs), and expenses in connection
with or arising from (i) your breach of these terms, (ii) your use of our Platform and/or (iii)
any misrepresentation made by you.
13.2 You also agree to fully co-operate with us in the defence or settlement of any claim in
relation to or arising out of our Platform or these terms.
14.1 These terms will continue to apply until terminated by either you or us as follows.
14.2 You may stop using the Platform any time by deactivating your account.
14.3 We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our Platform, if we
reasonably believe:
(a) you are in serious or repeated breach of these terms (including a prolonged failure
to settle any payment);
(b) you are using the Platform in a manner that would cause a real risk of harm or loss
to us, other users, or the public;
(c) we are requested to do so by government or regulatory authorities or as required
under applicable laws, regulations or legal processes; or
(d) our provision of the Platform to you is no longer possible or commercially viable.
In any of the above cases, we will notify you by the email address associated with your
account or at the next time you attempt to access your account, unless we are prohibited
from notifying you by law.
14.4 Upon termination of your access, these terms will also terminate except for Clauses 11.
to 19.
14.5 Where we consider necessary or appropriate, we will report any breach of these terms
(or the Acceptable Use Policy) to law enforcement authorities and we will cooperate with
such authorities by disclosing your identity and providing any information about you
within our systems to them.
15.1 These terms constitute the entire agreement between any user and us in relation to the
use of or any transactions on the Platform. These terms supersede and extinguish all
other agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and
understandings between any user and us, whether written or oral, in relation to the use
of or any transactions on the Platform.
15.2 You acknowledge that you will have no remedies in respect of any statement,
representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is
not set out in these terms.
16.1 We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation.
We will contact you to let you know if we plan to do this. If you do not wish to continue
the contract with the transferee, you may contact us to end the contract within one (1)
calendar month of us informing you of the proposed transfer and we will refund you any
payments you have made in advance for any products not provided.
16.2 You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these terms to another
person if we agree to this in writing.
16.3 If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the
paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides
that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and
16.4 Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist
immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we
delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not
mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps
against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you
but we continue to provide the products, we can still require you to make the payment at
a later date.
If you have any questions about these terms or the Acceptable Use Policy, please
contact us by mobut@mo-but.com.
In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese language versions of these
terms, the English version shall prevail.
19.1 These terms are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
19.2 The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have exclusive
jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these terms.

As part of the terms of use, you agree not to misuse the Platform or help anyone else to do so.
For example, you agree not to do any of the following in connection with the Platform:
(a) use our Platform for unlawful or unauthorised purposes;
(b) re-sell or attempt to benefit in a commercial fashion from any data, content or
information available on the Platform;
(c) probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system or network;
(d) breach or otherwise circumvent any security or authentication measures or service use
(e) access, tamper with, or use non-public areas or parts of the Platform;
(f) interfere with or disrupt any user, host, or network, for example by sending a virus,
trojan, worm, logic bomb, or any other material that is malicious or technologically
harmful, overloading, flooding, spamming, or mail-bombing any part of the Platform, or
by scripting the creation of any content in such manner as to interfere with or create an
undue burden on the Platform;
(g) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the
source code for the Platform or any related technology that is not open source;
(h) access, search, or create accounts for the Platform by any means (automated or
otherwise) other than our publicly supported interfaces (for example, "scraping" or
creating accounts in bulk) or attempt to do so;
(i) send unsolicited communications, promotions or advertisements, or spam;
(j) forge any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any email;
(k) send altered, deceptive, or false source-identifying information, including "spoofing" or
(l) conduct surveys, contests, or pyramid schemes, or promote or advertise products or
services without appropriate authorisation;
(m) abuse referrals or promotions;
(n) post, publish, upload, display, distribute, or share materials that are unlawful,
inappropriate, profane, pornographic, obscene, indecent, libelous, defamatory, abusive,
or knowingly false, and/or that infringe intellectual property rights;
(o) violate the letter or spirit of our terms of use;
(p) violate applicable laws or regulations in any way; or
(q) violate the privacy or infringe the rights of others.
Last updated: 20th August 2024


1.1 These terms of use govern your use and access to our services, including our
website(s), our application(s), our application programming interfaces (APIs), our
notifications and any information or content appearing therein (collectively our
1.2 By using our Platform, you agree to these terms regardless of whether you are paying
user or a non-paying visitor. If you are using our Platform as a representative of an
entity, you are agreeing to these terms on behalf of that entity.
1.3 You should also read our Privacy Policy which sets out how we collect and use your
personal information.
2.1 We are Hanink Innovation Limited, a company registered in Hong Kong, trading as 巫
筆. Our company registration number is 7 5 6 2 1 0 7 1 and our registered office is at
2.2 For any questions or problems relating to our Platform, our products or services, or
these terms, you can contact us by telephoning our customer service team at +852
68078571 or emailing us at mobut@mo-but.com or writing to us at ROOM 1203, 12/F.,
2.3 Please refer to our Privacy Policy which is available at www.mo-but.com/#privacy-policy
for information about what personal data we collect and what we do with it. It is important
that you read our privacy policy, which may be updated from time to time, and
understand how we use your information and the rights that you have about your
2.4 If we have to contact you, we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email
address or postal address you provided to us.
2.5 When we use the words "writing" or "written" in these terms, this includes emails.
We may amend these terms from time to time by posting the updated terms on our
Platform. If we make material changes, we will notify you of the changes before they
become effective. By continuing to use our Platform and our services after the changes
come into effect means that you agree to be bound by the revised policy.
4.1 We are constantly changing and improving our Platform and the products or services we
provide. We may from time to time change or discontinue any of the products or services
we offer, or add or remove functionalities or features, and we may suspend or stop
certain products, services, functionalities or features altogether. If we discontinue certain
products, services, functionalities or features, we will give you advance notice where
reasonably possible.
4.2 We may release products, services, functionalities or features that we are still testing
and evaluating. We will label such services as “beta”, “preview”, “early access” or “trial”
or any words or phrases with similar meanings. You understand that these beta services
are not as reliable as other products or services we offer.
4.3 We reserve the right to limit your use of our Platform and the services we provide,
including the right to restrict, suspend or terminate your account if we believe you are in
breach of these terms or are misusing our Platform or any services we provide.
4.4 We try our best to ensure that our Platform is always available, but we do not guarantee
that the operation of or access to our Platform will be uninterrupted or continuous. Our
Platform may be interrupted for maintenance, repairs, upgrades, network or equipment
4.5 You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes
and platform or system in order to access our Platform. We do not guarantee that our
Platform will be free from bugs or viruses.
5.1 In registering for an account on our Platform, you must provide truthful, accurate and upto-date information about yourself. You should choose a strong and secure password.
You must keep your password secure and confidential.
5.2 You agree not to share your account credentials or give others access to your account. If
and when we detect that an account is shared by multiple users, we may treat this as a
security breach and suspend or terminate your account.
5.3 We have the right to disable any password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, at
any time, if in our reasonable opinion you are in breach of these terms.
5.4 You agree to follow our Acceptable Use Policy, which is set out at the end of these
5.5 You are responsible for all actions or activities that happens by, through or under your
account, unless you report misuse.
6.1 You must comply with the Acceptable Use Policy and all applicable laws and regulatory
requirements, including privacy laws and intellectual property laws in using or accessing
the Platform.
6.2 Subject to your payment of applicable fees, we give you a personal, worldwide, royaltyfree, non-assignable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive and revocable
licence to access and use our Platform, including any software or application as part of
the services we offer. This licence is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and
enjoy the benefit of our Platform as provided by us and in the manner as permitted by
these terms.
6.3 This licence to use our Platform will terminate if you do not comply with these terms or
other additional terms or conditions imposed by us from time to time.
6.4 You must not copy, modify, distribute, sell, lease, loan or trade any access to the
Platform or any data or information on it.
7.1 You retain your rights to any information or content you submit, post or display on or
through the Platform (“Your Content”). By submitting, posting or displaying such
content, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence (with the right to
sublicense) to use, process, copy, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display
and distribute such content in any and all media or through any distribution channels
(now known or later developed), subject to the applicable provisions in our Privacy
7.2 You are responsible for your use of Your Content and any consequences thereof,
including any consequences of the use of Your Content by other users or third parties.
We are not responsible or liable for any use of Your Content, nor the use of any content
or information submitted or posted by other users or visitors.
7.3 You warrant that Your Content is not and will not infringe rights of any third parties and
that you have all the necessary rights, power and authority to satisfy your obligations
with regard to Your Content under these terms.
7.4 If you believe your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please contact us by
emailing us at mobut@mo-but.com or call our customer service team at 68078571.
8.1 All intellectual property rights subsisting in the Platform or the products or services we
provide belong to us or have been lawfully licensed to us. All rights under applicable
laws are hereby reserved. You must not upload, post, publish, reproduce, transmit or
distribute any content or component of our Platform in any way, or create any derivative
works with respect to any such content or component.
8.2 We may (at our discretion but are not obliged to) review content or information submitted
or posted by users on our Platform. We reserve the right to remove any content which
we consider as offensive, harmful, deceptive, discriminative, defamatory or otherwise
inappropriate or misleading, or content that we believe may be infringing rights of third
parties. We do not endorse or support any views expressed by any users on our
8.3 Our name “ 巫 筆” and our marks and logos are our trade marks (be it registered or
unregistered) and may not be used without our express prior written consent.
We integrate with third-party software to provide a full suite of functionalities to our
users. We are not responsible for any issues or loss arising from the use of any thirdparty software. Your access and use of the third-party software is governed by the terms
of service or user agreements of that software.
10.1 We value and welcome feedback on our Platform. You agree that we are free to use,
disclose, adopt and/or modify any feedback and any information (including any ideas,
concepts, proposals, suggestions or comments) provided by you to use in connection
with our Platform or any products or services we offer, without any payment to you.
10.2 You hereby waive and agree to waive any rights to claim for any fees, royalties, charges
or other payments in relation to our use, disclosure, adoption and/or modification of any
of your feedback.
11.1 Some countries or jurisdictions may not allow the disclaimers in this clause, in which
case these disclaimers will not apply to you.
11.2 To the fullest extent permitted by law, we (including our holding company(ies),
subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, partners
and licensors (collectively, “Our Entities”)) expressly limit our liabilities in connection
with or arising out of the provision of the Platform as follows:
(a) we provide the Platform and any products or services we offer on an “as is” and
“as available” basis, and your access to or use of our Platform is at your own risk;
(b) we give no assurance, representation or warranty of any kind (whether express or
implied) about the Platform and any products or services we provide;
(c) we do not guarantee that the information or content you find on the Platform is
always accurate, truthful, complete and up-to-date;
(d) we expressly disclaim all warranties and representations (for example, warranties
of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement);
(e) we are not responsible for any delay or disruption in our Platform or any defect,
viruses, bugs or errors; and
(f) we are not responsible for the conduct of or any content or information submitted
or posted by any user of the Platform (whether online or offline).
11.3 To the fullest extent permitted by law, Our Entities are not liable to you or others for:
(a) any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, consequential or punitive damages; or
(b) any loss of data, business, opportunities, reputation, profits or revenues,
(c) relating to the use of our Platform or any products or services we offer.
11.4 We do not exclude or limit our liability to you where it would be illegal to do so. This
includes any of our liability for fraud or making fraudulent misrepresentation in operating
the Platform or providing the products or services we offer.
11.5 If you are using the Platform as a consumer, in some countries or jurisdictions you may
have certain legal rights as a consumer. In such cases, nothing in these terms limit your
legal rights as a consumer that may not be waived by contract.
11.6 Other than the types of liabilities that we cannot limit by law, the liabilities of Our Entities
to you (on aggregate) are limited to the amount you have paid us (if any) for the use of
our Platform or for any products or services we offer over the last twelve (12) months.
12.1 Our Platform is not intended for and may not be used by minors. By using our Platform,
you represent that you are an adult and that you are able to legally enter into contractual
12.2 If you are using the Platform on behalf of an entity, by using the Platform you represent
that you have the necessary rights and authority to agree to these terms (and our
Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy and other documents referred to herein) on behalf
of that entity.
13.1 You agree to indemnify and hold Our Entities harmless from and against all liabilities,
damages, claims, costs (including legal fees and costs), and expenses in connection
with or arising from (i) your breach of these terms, (ii) your use of our Platform and/or (iii)
any misrepresentation made by you.
13.2 You also agree to fully co-operate with us in the defence or settlement of any claim in
relation to or arising out of our Platform or these terms.
14.1 These terms will continue to apply until terminated by either you or us as follows.
14.2 You may stop using the Platform any time by deactivating your account.
14.3 We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our Platform, if we
reasonably believe:
(a) you are in serious or repeated breach of these terms (including a prolonged failure
to settle any payment);
(b) you are using the Platform in a manner that would cause a real risk of harm or loss
to us, other users, or the public;
(c) we are requested to do so by government or regulatory authorities or as required
under applicable laws, regulations or legal processes; or
(d) our provision of the Platform to you is no longer possible or commercially viable.
In any of the above cases, we will notify you by the email address associated with your
account or at the next time you attempt to access your account, unless we are prohibited
from notifying you by law.
14.4 Upon termination of your access, these terms will also terminate except for Clauses 11.
to 19.
14.5 Where we consider necessary or appropriate, we will report any breach of these terms
(or the Acceptable Use Policy) to law enforcement authorities and we will cooperate with
such authorities by disclosing your identity and providing any information about you
within our systems to them.
15.1 These terms constitute the entire agreement between any user and us in relation to the
use of or any transactions on the Platform. These terms supersede and extinguish all
other agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and
understandings between any user and us, whether written or oral, in relation to the use
of or any transactions on the Platform.
15.2 You acknowledge that you will have no remedies in respect of any statement,
representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is
not set out in these terms.
16.1 We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation.
We will contact you to let you know if we plan to do this. If you do not wish to continue
the contract with the transferee, you may contact us to end the contract within one (1)
calendar month of us informing you of the proposed transfer and we will refund you any
payments you have made in advance for any products not provided.
16.2 You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these terms to another
person if we agree to this in writing.
16.3 If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the
paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides
that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and
16.4 Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist
immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we
delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not
mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps
against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you
but we continue to provide the products, we can still require you to make the payment at
a later date.
If you have any questions about these terms or the Acceptable Use Policy, please
contact us by mobut@mo-but.com.
In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese language versions of these
terms, the English version shall prevail.
19.1 These terms are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
19.2 The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have exclusive
jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these terms.

As part of the terms of use, you agree not to misuse the Platform or help anyone else to do so.
For example, you agree not to do any of the following in connection with the Platform:
(a) use our Platform for unlawful or unauthorised purposes;
(b) re-sell or attempt to benefit in a commercial fashion from any data, content or
information available on the Platform;
(c) probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system or network;
(d) breach or otherwise circumvent any security or authentication measures or service use
(e) access, tamper with, or use non-public areas or parts of the Platform;
(f) interfere with or disrupt any user, host, or network, for example by sending a virus,
trojan, worm, logic bomb, or any other material that is malicious or technologically
harmful, overloading, flooding, spamming, or mail-bombing any part of the Platform, or
by scripting the creation of any content in such manner as to interfere with or create an
undue burden on the Platform;
(g) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the
source code for the Platform or any related technology that is not open source;
(h) access, search, or create accounts for the Platform by any means (automated or
otherwise) other than our publicly supported interfaces (for example, "scraping" or
creating accounts in bulk) or attempt to do so;
(i) send unsolicited communications, promotions or advertisements, or spam;
(j) forge any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any email;
(k) send altered, deceptive, or false source-identifying information, including "spoofing" or
(l) conduct surveys, contests, or pyramid schemes, or promote or advertise products or
services without appropriate authorisation;
(m) abuse referrals or promotions;
(n) post, publish, upload, display, distribute, or share materials that are unlawful,
inappropriate, profane, pornographic, obscene, indecent, libelous, defamatory, abusive,
or knowingly false, and/or that infringe intellectual property rights;
(o) violate the letter or spirit of our terms of use;
(p) violate applicable laws or regulations in any way; or
(q) violate the privacy or infringe the rights of others.
Last updated: 20th August 2024


巫筆 Early Adopter Program & Confidentiality Agreement
Thank you for your interest in participating in the 巫筆 Early Adopter Program! This program is an opportunity to influence the design of an AI-powered teaching tool and help shape 巫筆 with features that matter most to you.
You Will Gain:
• First-hand access to the Early Adopter version of 巫筆.
• An opportunity to shape features and design through direct feedback.
• Insight into the latest developments in AI-based educational technology.
You Will Provide:
• Feedback on the app, including insights to improve its features, usability, and design.
• Confidentiality, agreeing to protect and not disclose what you learn within this program.
If you agree to the above, please read the terms of this Early Adopter Program and Confidentiality Agreement, which govern your use of the software provided by 巫筆.
By indicating your acceptance of these terms and selecting the "I Agree to Be Part of the Early Adopter Program" button as it appears in the app or in the recruitment survey, you are (1) representing that you are over the age of 18, (2) representing that you have the right and authority to legally bind yourself to these terms, and (3) consenting to be legally bound by all of the terms of this Agreement. This will create a binding agreement. If you do not agree to all these terms or cannot make such representations, do not select the "I Agree to Be Part of the Early Adopter Program" box and do not use the Early Adopter products or materials.
Terms and Agreement:
1. Additional Terms
This Early Adopter Program and Confidentiality Agreement are license terms between you and 巫筆, governing your participation in the Early Adopter Program, use of 巫筆 Materials, and use of the 巫筆 software. These terms are in addition to other terms and conditions regarding the 巫筆 software, including the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. As a participant, you will receive software, documentation, and information ("巫筆 Materials") from 巫筆, which may include software in development or experimental form, information about unreleased features, and product roadmaps. You agree to test and evaluate this software and provide feedback on the 巫筆 Materials.
2. Confidentiality
You agree to keep confidential and not disclose or discuss the 巫筆 Materials with any third party. These confidentiality requirements will continue until the 巫筆 Materials become publicly known through no breach of your obligations under this Agreement.
3. Feedback
You will provide prompt feedback to 巫筆 regarding the 巫筆 Materials and the software's features, usability, and design when requested by 巫筆. This feedback may include surveys, online reports, automated reporting of app use, reports of problems or errors, and voluntary suggestions. By providing feedback, you agree that 巫筆 may use and disclose (in a manner that does not identify you) any and all feedback for any purpose, without compensation or liability to you. You hereby grant 巫筆 all required licenses in your feedback and the associated intellectual property rights to allow 巫筆 to use this feedback.
4. License
巫筆 grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the 巫筆 Materials for internal use only. You are not permitted to lease, rent, distribute, or sublicense the 巫筆 Materials. You may not install any software from the 巫筆 Materials on a network server, use such software in a time-sharing arrangement, or in any other unauthorized manner. No license is granted to you in the human-readable code of such software (source code).
5. No Assignment; No Transfer
You agree not to transfer or assign the 巫筆 Materials and/or this Agreement to another party without prior written consent from 巫筆.
6. No Modification; No Reverse Engineering
You agree not to modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works of the 巫筆 Materials.
7. Import/Export Restrictions
You agree not to import or export the 巫筆 Materials (or any copies thereof) or any products utilizing the 巫筆 Materials in violation of applicable laws or regulations.
8. Title
You agree that 巫筆 owns the 巫筆 Materials and all subsequent copies thereof, regardless of the form or media. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in the 巫筆 Materials shall remain with 巫筆.
9. Term and Termination
This license will expire two years from the date that you first use the 巫筆 Materials unless terminated earlier. 巫筆 reserves the right to terminate this license at any time.
10. Governing Law
The laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall govern the construction of this Agreement.
11. No Warranties
The 巫筆 Materials may include portions that are in development, incomplete, and have not been commercially released. The 巫筆 Materials may not be fully functional and may contain errors or design flaws. 巫筆 makes no warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement of third-party rights.
12. Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances shall 巫筆 or its suppliers be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the 巫筆 Materials.
13. Indemnification
You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless 巫筆, its suppliers, and resellers from and against any liabilities, costs, damages, and expenses arising from claims related to your use of the 巫筆 Materials.
14. Privacy
You agree to allow 巫筆 to use the information provided by you to contact you and may store your personal information to communicate with you.
15. Severability
If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired.
16. Entire Agreement
This Agreement, along with the other terms and conditions regarding the 巫筆 software, is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between you and 巫筆, superseding all prior agreements.
17. Acknowledgment
By downloading, installing, or using any part of the 巫筆 Materials, you indicate that you have read this Agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.
18. Force Majeure
巫筆 shall not be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement due to causes beyond its control, including labor disputes, civil commotion, war, fires, floods, inclement weather, governmental regulations, or acts of God.
19. Marketing and Promotional Use
By participating in the 巫筆 Early Adopter Program, you agree that 巫筆 may use aggregated and anonymized data, including general information about the program and your participation, for marketing and promotional purposes. This includes using testimonials, feedback, and other non-identifying information in marketing materials, on the website, and in other media. Personal identifying information will not be used without your explicit consent.
20. Use of Feedback for Product Development
You acknowledge and agree that 巫筆 may use your feedback, suggestions, and insights provided during the Early Adopter Program to enhance and improve the software. 巫筆 may also use such feedback in its marketing materials, indicating how input from early adopters contributed to product development.
21. Testimonials and Case Studies
With your consent, 巫筆 may use your name, institution, and a brief description of your experience with 巫筆 for testimonials and case studies. These may be featured on the official website, social media, marketing materials, and other promotional content. You will have the opportunity to review and approve any such content prior to its publication.

As part of the terms of use, you agree not to misuse the Platform or help anyone else to do so.
For example, you agree not to do any of the following in connection with the Platform:
(a) use our Platform for unlawful or unauthorised purposes;
(b) re-sell or attempt to benefit in a commercial fashion from any data, content or
information available on the Platform;
(c) probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system or network;
(d) breach or otherwise circumvent any security or authentication measures or service use
(e) access, tamper with, or use non-public areas or parts of the Platform;
(f) interfere with or disrupt any user, host, or network, for example by sending a virus,
trojan, worm, logic bomb, or any other material that is malicious or technologically
harmful, overloading, flooding, spamming, or mail-bombing any part of the Platform, or
by scripting the creation of any content in such manner as to interfere with or create an
undue burden on the Platform;
(g) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the
source code for the Platform or any related technology that is not open source;
(h) access, search, or create accounts for the Platform by any means (automated or
otherwise) other than our publicly supported interfaces (for example, "scraping" or
creating accounts in bulk) or attempt to do so;
(i) send unsolicited communications, promotions or advertisements, or spam;
(j) forge any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any email;
(k) send altered, deceptive, or false source-identifying information, including "spoofing" or
(l) conduct surveys, contests, or pyramid schemes, or promote or advertise products or
services without appropriate authorisation;
(m) abuse referrals or promotions;
(n) post, publish, upload, display, distribute, or share materials that are unlawful,
inappropriate, profane, pornographic, obscene, indecent, libelous, defamatory, abusive,
or knowingly false, and/or that infringe intellectual property rights;
(o) violate the letter or spirit of our terms of use;
(p) violate applicable laws or regulations in any way; or
(q) violate the privacy or infringe the rights of others.
Last updated: 20th August 2024


Thank you for using our app. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. By using our app, you agree to the terms and practices described in this policy.Information We Collect:While using our app, we collect the following personal information:- Name: We collect your name to identify your identity and create your user account.
- Email Address: We collect your email address to communicate with you and provide necessary updates regarding our services.
Why We Collect Data:We collect personal information for the following purposes:- Identification and User Account Creation: Your name and email address are used to identify you and create your user account.
- Service Provision: We use the collected information to provide our services to you efficiently and effectively.
- Service Maintenance and Improvement: Your information helps us maintain and improve our service, ensuring a better user experience.
- New Service Development: We may utilize the collected data to develop new features and services for our users.
- Personalized Service: By analyzing your information, we can provide personalized recommendations and tailored content based on your preferences.
- Streamlined User Experience: Your information helps us remember your preferences, preventing the need for redundant data entry when revisiting our app.
How We Collect Personal Information:We collect your personal information after your initial sign-in to our app. The information is securely stored in our databases, following industry-standard practices to ensure data confidentiality and integrity.Data Retention:We retain your data for as long as you maintain an active account with our app. If you choose to delete your account , we will securely delete your personal information from our systems and databases. You have the right to request account deletion at any time by sending an email to mobut@mo-but.com.Third-Party Sharing:We do not share your personal information with any third party. We prioritize the protection and privacy of your data and do not engage in data sharing practices with external entities.Data Security:We employ industry-standard security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. We regularly update and monitor our systems to ensure data security and integrity.Your Rights:You have the right to access, update, correct, or delete your personal information stored in our app. If you have any concerns or requests regarding your data, please contact us using the information provided at the end of this policy.By using our app, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy.Contact Us:If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding our Privacy Policy or the handling of your personal information, please contact us at mobut@mo-but.com. We value your privacy and will address any inquiries promptly and responsibly.This Privacy Policy is effective as of 2024-02-09. We may update or modify this policy from time to time, and any changes will be reflected on this page. Please review this policy regularly to stay informed about our data practices.---App Store Review Guidelines - Apple Developer- (i) Privacy Policies: All apps must include a link to their privacy policy in the App Store Connect metadata field and within the app in an easily accessible manner. The privacy policy must clearly and explicitly:
- Identify what data, if any, the app/service collects, how it collects that data, and all uses of that data.
- Confirm that any third party with whom an app shares user data (in compliance with these Guidelines)—such as analytics tools, advertising networks and third-party SDKs, as well as any parent, subsidiary or other related entities that will have access to user data—will provide the same or equal protection of user data as stated in the app’s privacy policy and required by these Guidelines.
- Explain its data retention/deletion policies and describe how a user can revoke consent and/or request deletion of the user’s data.
Information that we will collectWhile using this app, your personal information will be collected including- Name
- Email address
Why we collects dataWe use the personal information collected for the following purpose- identify your identity and create your user account
- provide our service
- maintain and improve our service
- develop new service
- provide personalized service
- prevent you from re-entering related information while revisiting our app
How do we collect your personal information?We will collect your personal information after your first time sign inHow long will the data be kept?Your data will be kept as long as you requested for account deletionThird partyThere is no third party with whom an app shares your dataLast updated: 20th August 2024